Sunday 21 September 2014

Day 9 - First Time Shopping and The Laughing Incident

Day 9 was Sunday and I decided to have a wee venture outside.

I got my husband to take me to Boots (chemist) to buy some toiletries, I need hair stuff and facial wipes (even though my hair has been dreadful and I haven't been able to do a thing with it and my skin is awful too and I keep breaking out in spots on my chin) and I needed some more interdental brushes.
So he drove me to Boots and I made my way round the shop. Feeling quite self conscious about how I was looking, swollen, bruised and a missing front tooth.

Managed to pay for everything at the till. I don't think the girl at the till looked at me too funny although I couldn't smile and I couldn't say much so I came away feeling like a right miserable cowbag.

Coming out of Boots I decided that I would like a new magazine to read (still didn't have the head for reading my book just yet) and could we go to Asda (supermarket). So in the car and across the road to Asda where there wasn't any magazines so I wanted to have a look for some food I could eat. This was the first time I could do any kind of food shopping myself.
Had a wee look round and chose some cheesecake in a different flavour, but nothing was really jumping out at me. Was feeling decidedly squiffy by the time I got to the till. I needed to go home. I felt like I was wading through water and my head was taking just that second to catch up with the rest of my body when I was moving.

Home for more rest.
Today I noticed that I was having some really sharp pain in the bottom left of my mouth. I couldn't work out if it was the tooth that an elastic was attached to, or if it was the gum or what. I was able to have a look inside my mouth and could see a stitch round about where it was sore. I wondered if maybe I had knocked the stitch when brushing my teeth? Or could it be the start of an infection (I hoped not)?
It was definitely ouch, tender, pain.

Breakfast would have been readybrek or porridge.
Lunch was soup
Supper was chicken and bacon pasta bake; the chicken, bacon and sauce were blended up well and mixed with the tiny wee pasta for soup.

Today's photo:
There was an incident in the evening.
I've read quite a lot of other people's blogs both before and after surgery, mainly to see what I was getting into and now to see how my recovery is comparing with others.

Yawning, laughing and talking, in that order, have been difficult and painful.
It is very hard not being able to yawn, and I seem to hit the early evening and hit a yawning stage. Having stifled yawns is no fun.
Laughing is also difficult because it is sore.
Talking is difficult just because I reach a point where my jaw muscles start protesting and say no, Fay, shut up, we're not working any more.

But back to the topic of laughing. Today I read in a blog about someone who would clap their hands to show that they were laughing, instead of actually laughing. I thought this was quite good but found it amusing too. Well, I made a mistake and told me husband about it and he made some really funny joke.
That had me in fits! Which then progressed on to a fit of the giggles.
Let me tell you, having a fit of the giggles is NOT a good thing to do after jaw surgery, it really isn't.
So laughing hurts. But every time I looked at my husband, I couldn't help but laugh again.
I ended up crying in agony, tears and everything, my husband came to rub my head and told me to take deep breaths, and I still couldn't stop laughing.
I have never experienced anything like that in my life.
So if you are reading this because you are going for jaw surgery, I know they say laughter is the best medicine, but please try not to have a fit of the giggles because it really is not pleasant.

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