Thursday 30 October 2014

A Video of BSSO - Not For The Squeamish or Faint Hearted.

I was supposed to be working today but it got cancelled so pottering about online I decided to look for a YouTube video of a BSSO surgery, just to get an idea of what I had done.

I would not have been able to watch this prior to surgery, I'm not squeamish or faint hearted but it would've been too close to home and freaked me out. On the other hand, if I had watched this video maybe in the first few days after surgery, I might have went a little bit easier on myself in terms of recovery. I would've been kinda to myself.

This video shows mandibular advancement so different to my mandibular setback but I don't imagine it was too different aside from the mandible being put in the opposite direction. I must admit, I did have a Oh No! moment when I watched them moving the 'free' jaw.

Here is the link:

Today is now day 55 post op.

My jaw ached yesterday A LOT! I wonder if it was because of how much I talked on day 54...I had a job interview and then an appointment and it all involved a lot of talking.
I also ate my first sweetie since before my op...I chose a single size Milkyway. And boy it wasn't as easy as it looked or as easy to eat as it was before surgery. End result, I managed to eat it but the effort it required just took away the enjoyment of it.
Maybe that's not such a bad thing :)

Breakfast: pancake with butter and jam
Lunch: cheese and onion chutney sandwich and a yoghurt
Super: fish, mashed potato and peas followed by semolina and jam

I hold my hands up now and say I do not clean my teeth after every meal. Twice a day is suffice for me and if anyone has a problem with that, tough. My hygienist is always amazed at how clean my teeth are and I only have 2 fillings (one of which is due to a tooth being broke by a brandy snap).

So last night, thing got amorous with my hubby, as they do. Second time post-surgery and it still feels weird, although granted not as weird as the first time. He is scared of hurting me and kissing for me is just lopsided due to numbness on the right. I took out my elastics because they were twanging when I was kissing ROFL!
And then before I went to sleep, I went to put new elastics in and found a pea in my mouth, just on the bottom near the back molars! Hadn't felt it and it must've been stuck there since supper time. Ooops!

Moral of the story, check your numb mouth for foreign objects before commencing in any lip action.

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