Friday 30 January 2015


Yesterday I had an orthodontist appointment,. I had an inkling this might be my last appointment and that she would be saying, next time we deband. But didn't want to get my hopes up too much.

But yesterday, 6 years, 8 months and 2 days since I first got my braces on and started this very very long journey, she said those magic words...debanding!

I only got a retie yesterday on the top and a slight adjustment to the wire at the bottom because my gum is  bit red and sore near the back left molar where the incision site was.

She told me that I could cautiously go from wearing my elastics (blue on the right and orange on the left) 24/7 to only wearing them at night. But I'd need to keep a close eye on my teeth for any signs of movement. But rather than risk it, I'm just going to keep wearing them 24/7 and put up with the blue elastics and their continual snapping. It's only for a few weeks more.

Previously, I have only ever chosen 1 or 2 colours of ligs but in honour of my last adjustment, I chose a rainbow! They are super pretty!

Jaw wise, I've been feeling my area of altered sensation quite a lot this week. It could well be because the weather is freezing. Or maybe I'm eating lots. Or both. I attempted a snickers (cut up into slices) last week but the nuts were a no no, they just rolled around my mouth. It's odd isn't it, it's not like my teeth have lost their sharpness to eat nuts. But the jaw muscles say nope.

I'm looking forward to warmer weather when I won't have to wear my scarf out.

I will get a Hawley retainer with a pontic for the top and an Essix retainer for the bottom.

Debracing date is 16th February 2015 at 9am!!!!!

Picture time!

My pretty rainbows! There *is* a pot of gold at the end of these ones!
(And don't my teeth and bite look really good too?)

Serious face
Smiley Face
Side Profiles

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Those rainbow braces bring your smile to a whole new level. You look lovely, Fay. Anyway, I’m glad that your braces journey is well on its way and that the progress is doing good. Thanks for sharing that! Take care always!

Alexis Jensen @ Kelleher Ortho