Saturday 20 September 2014

Day 3 and 4 - Blurry Vision, Evening Horridness & Chocolate Buttons

Days 3 and 4 were Monday and Tuesday.

Prior to my surgery I had said to my husband that he wouldn't need to take time of work, the kids would be at school, he'd be at work and I'd be at home hopefully trying to sleep my way through my recovery. HAHAHAHA.
At the weekend, I knew I wouldn't manage at home by myself so asked him if he would take Monday and Tuesday off. I got a bit of a row LOL, he knew he shouldn't have listened to me.

Prior to going into hospital, I had also phoned my GP to make an appointment to get signed off work. There was no way I was going to manage to go to the doctors!
So he phoned my GP surgery, cancelled my appointment and got me signed off work for 4 weeks over the phone.

Both days were quiet, I mainly laid on the sofa watching TV, caught up on facebook a bit. I didn't really have the head for doing very much and certainly couldn't manage to read. He took my photo of the day

Day 3 Photo
I'm not sure if I was more swollen on Day 3 than I was on day 2, I certainly looked way more miserable than I felt.
Because I'm writing this after the event, it is hard to remember all the details but I wasn't in any fit state to sit at the computer never mind write a blog.
I was beginning to lose track of what painkillers I was taking and when. When I got up during the night, I decided that I would write times on the boxes, so codeine would be taken 9am, 3pm and 9pm. Ibuprofen would be taken 7am, 1pm, 7pm and paracetamol every 4 hours).

My blurry vision was clearing but I still felt like I had something in my right eye. A bit like feeling you have an eyelash in your eye but there was nothing there. I didn't really notice it during the day but in the evening I did.
I managed to go online and find out that it was probably what they had used to protect my eyes during surgery, I think they must have used a gel and tape and blurred vision was a side effect reported in 70% of cases.

Now that I was at home, I was determined that I was going to get my teeth clean. After having scrupulous dental hygiene for the past 6 years, not being able to clean my teeth properly was really hard.
So I started cleaning any teeth I could see. I didn't want to guddle about too much and certainly didn't want to go in and touch my wounds but teeth had to be clean.
Top front teeth could be cleaned just fine. Cleaning my bottom front teeth was weird because the gum was numb.
I could feel stuff sitting at the back of my mouth/throat that was making me gag.
I took my corsodyl mouthwash.
And then I thought, something still isn't right, so I stuck my tongue out as far as it would go, which wasn't very far and found that it was all white and furry. YUCK!! So more toothpaste and I got my toothbrush in my mouth as far as I could get it along my tongue and scrubbed until I could see nice healthy pink tongue again.

By 8pm I was feeling absolutely horrible. I was feeling very nauseous. I don't know if it was lack of food in my stomach, or if it was too much liquid in my stomach or side effects of the painkillers or just that I was tired. But it really wasn't pleasant. So I went to bed about 9pm and my husband came to sit with me until the medication kicked in and made me go to sleep. I slept about the same as the night before.
Food wise, I had yoghurt and ice cream and plenty of water. I didn't feel too hungry so as long as I was drinking plenty I would be ok.
I did have a strong fancy for egg and chips. Very weird for me because again, not something I would normally eat.

Day 4 Photos

Day 4 saw the start of the bruising. But I think the swelling was beginning to go down, well it certainly wasn't swelling any more.

Today I  really fancied some chocolate so we went to the corner shop. The corner shop is about 2 minutes walk away, or 6 houses away from my house. I felt a bit silly having to ask my husband to come with me but I was scared that I was going to faint. So holding on to his arm, we walked very slowly round to the shop. I couldn't walk too fast because I could feel the vibrations go through to my jaw as I walked.
I bought a packet of milk chocolate buttons and a packet of white chocolate buttons.
The man at the shop didn't know where to look when he saw me. But then I supposed, last week I looked ok, today I looked swollen, bruised and missing a tooth. By the time I got to the till I was feeling decidedly wobbly so knew we had to move home quickly, just concentrate on staying upright and put on foot in front of the other.

The afternoon was spent reading a magazine and sleeping. I did manage to 'eat' 3 milk chocolate buttons. I broke up a button into 4 pieces and let it melt on my tongue. But it just didn't give me that proper feeling of eating chocolate so I gave up. Put the chocolate buttons away for a time when I could eat chocolate properly. Keep reading because a story about these chocolate buttons comes up again!

Foodwise I ate/drank: yoghurt, angel delight, tinned chicken soup (tinned soup went down ok) and still lots of water. I also managed to eat some jelly! It was very nice :)
Had the same 8pm nausea hour as day 3.
Sleep wise was pretty much the same, waking up about 3am in need of painkillers.

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